Zombies of Barkerville

Zombies of Barkerville

I had gone hiking for a few days by myself, North of one of Canadas most famous ghost towns, Barkerville BC. When I got back to Barkerville. Things had changed. It was like people were drunk, or a scene from Vancouvers Downtown Eastside. Everyone looked unhealthy or dead and kind of staggered around or dragged themselves around. I didn t fear them at first. But soon it became apparent that they wanted to eat me! That came as a shock!

(We used the Zombie Game rules by Alan Martinsen)

I soon realized that this was a worldwide pandemic and most of the world was gone it seemed. I met up with another guy and we headed to Quesnel. But ultimately I want to get back to Tsawwassen to see if my family is still alive. This is my story through pictures, as best I can tell it. The pictures are a re-enactment, as of course, I was not able to take photos as events unfolded.

Visit JIGG Kanagawa – where we announce our game events. Join us! It”s free!

I was able to repair that jeep and get out of Barkerville with my new friend, Frank.
My jeep got stolen by some jaded Canadian soldiers who for some reason were driving American Army vehicles.

Airbnb-How to be a Successful Host

This Town ain`t Big Enough for the both of Us!

This Town ain`t Big Enough for the both of Us!

The Burns Gang of Dry Gulch, Texas, wanted the town. But so did those mangy Martinsens. One gang would have to leave. Which would it be? And how much collateral damage would occur? Those were two questions that knawed on me as I chewed my tobacco.

The Gunfight raged until sundown.
The Martinsens have a Burns all to themselves.
The Dry Gulch Hotel is a great place to drink, sleep and find a friend.
Clean beds!
There hasnt been a good hangin lately. I kind of miss it!
The Burns Gang on their way to meet the Martinsens. They want to show them who is boss.
The Martinsens leave the Dry Gulch Hotel, hung over but ready to go.
The Burns Gang is driven back and takes cover behind the hotel. Some think it unmanly to run and hide, but the gang is hoping to live to fight another day, with two men shot already.

Visit JIGG Kanagawa – where we announce our game events. Join us! It”s free!

The undertaker is ready for business.
One Burns decides to stay and fight but it is now one against three and the Martinsens will prove that Dry Gulch is theirs.
Where is Doc Watson? Two men have been hit.
The sun sets on the battle. The Martinsens own Dry Gulch.

If you enjoy games like these, join JIGG! JIGG is Japan`s International Gamers Guild and there are branches of our club all over Japan. Members come from many different countries including Japan, and many different languages are spoken including Japanese and English. Sometimes the best way to bond is over a game! Get in the game! Join JIGG! Membership is free!

Godzilla rages over Tokyo

Godzilla rages over Tokyo

“We want the people of Tokyo to know, we did our best under difficult circumstances.” -Tokyo Governor Koikei
Some of the carnage after Godzilla took out his wrath on Tokyo.

Godzilla entered our Olympic city and we were not sure of his intentions. Soon it became evident that he was pissed. Not being able to communicate with him, we decided to prevent as many deaths as possible by engaging with the enemy and calling on our American allies in Japan to help us do the same.

Visit JIGG Kanagawa – where we announce our game events. Join us! It”s free!

Godzilla entered our city near Roppongi then ventured into Ginza. Fortunately we warned many citizens to get off the streets. We decided to do our best to either eliminate Godzilla or drive him off. In the end we were able to drive him

back into Tokyo Bay. The following are unaltered drone footage of the Battle of Tokyo. (Viewer discretion is advised.)

Some of the drone footage is award winning.

Kevin’s Guesthouse near Hakone is full of games you can play!